IR Policy
- Information disclosure method
- Disclosure organization
- Spokesperson
- Forward-looking statements
- Others
Cross Marketing group will strive to conduct transparent, fair and continuous disclosure to all shareholders and investors. The Group conduct disclosure by following the Tokyo Stock Exchange "Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities "(hereinafter referred to as "Timely Disclosure Rule"). Besides, we also conduct timely and positive disclose on information which is not applicable to important information corresponding to the rule.
Information disclosure method
We disclose information to which the timely disclosure rules written in Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and made by the stock exchange through the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) system provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and so on. In addition, except for the above, we also make information accessible widely and generally through the website when we think it is important.
Disclosure organization

For the aim of fair disclosure, we will assign CEO, CFO, The head and staffs of Investor Relations Office as spokespersons.
Forward-looking statements
In order to prevent the leakage of financial information and ensure fairness, we refrain from answering any questions concerning financial results during the quiet period from the closing date of each quarter (including all quarters) until the release of financial results. However, even during the quiet period, in case that significant information and facts which make a huge impact on investment decisions occur, we will disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner.
When searching information on this website, not only this IR disclosure policy, please also refer to Cautionary Statement.